Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Raaaaaahhhhh!

I love a Christmas Story. I love when TBS plays it 24 hours straight. And usually in the proceeding days I will have already watched it once a day. (FRA-GIL-EY must be Italian!) I sadly don't have a copy here, but as soon as our data download for December starts over that is going to be my number one stop!!

Obviously I have to do without things living in a different climate and culture (btw happy holidays can suck it!). I have done my best to adapt (really just steamroll my friends with my traditions). Thus this weekend we are having a girls dinner, which I promptly renamed "Girls wine night and Christmas cookie exchange" (in reality it's really girls getting drunk and eating- not classy sounding). I am taking mint chocolate cake balls and cookies. I doubt many other girls will bring dessert, but we shall see!

The weekend after this is Christmas Karaoke at the pub! The Ettamogah Pub (I'll elaborate upon this establishment in the future). There is a costume contest so I am trying to think of the BEST costume ever. I know funny ones always win, but I want to DAZZLE. I am thinking sequins and lights, and obviously a battery pack for my lights. And we get to karaoke Christmas Songs! HECK YES!

I have Christmas music playing pretty much non stop. I downloaded the top 100 Christmas songs. Tragically they are elevator music versions, like jingle bell rock is not rocking, and that is usually my jam. So stop number two for new data in December is going to be more Christmas songs!! Most of you know I can't sing, but that doesn't stop me from thinking I can.

One big tradition Aussies have are Christmas Crackers. You sit around the table cross arms and hold onto the persons on either side and pull. They go bang (think party popper bang, not Fourth of July bang), then there is a little paper crown, a stupid toy, and dumb joke. Maybe this is the Aussie equivalent of a pre dinner blessing? Weird.

Last year due to my lack of snow, I made snowflakes! I could be a superhero in that picture, with a snowflake mask and the power to freeze! I digress...

Strudel Tagen (my dog for you people that may not remember) was a Christmas puppy! 7 years ago she wiggled out of a stocking on Christmas morning. Tear. So cute. This will be our last Christmas apart! She comes in March!!

And for all of you that posted about sights and sounds on Facebook... I have a picture of the inside of the tree from two years ago. When I miss home I hold it above my head and spin in circles. Just like the real thing. And people say I missed out? Ha!

I hope you are all enjoying the festive season! Love you all and MERRY CHRISTMAS! (eat a bean happy holidays)


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