Monday, December 10, 2012

My Fitness Pal

Heh roh peoples!

So I got the app My Fitness Pal to help me track calories and friends can see what I am doing... Ahhh!

I did really well all day. And then. BAM. I was hungry, it was late, it was hot (90 at 7pm), dinner wasn't ready, I had work to do at 8pm before my 10:30pm conference call. So I cracked a lovely bottle of ice cold wine and couldn't stop at one glass (okay that made me sound like an alcoholic... Eh oh well). I only had 2 1/2 glasses!

And I ate dinner had my chocolate fix and was done for the day.

Or so I thought.

Womp. Womp. Womp.

I had finished my part of my conference call and was just listening.

Then the urge hit me. I wanted something salty. I had soy crisps. That didn't do me. So then I had Dixie drumsticks (don't ask they're weird and Australian crackers). I had to walk by the pantry to go to bed and grabbed one last piece of chocolate.

No wonder I am awake so late. Wine, chocolate, work that is a lot of stimulus for my brain.

And goodnight. 1800 calories for the day. Fail.

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